Directional Drilling
Borrowing on techniques and technology from the oil drilling industry we are able to offer horizontal directional drilling over distances of up to 200m. Horizontal directional drilling allows for small and medium size pipes (90mm to 400mm) to be accurately installed over long distances with a minimum disruption to surface activities and other underground services.
In comparison with other trenchless technologies such as augering and moling etc, horizontal directional drilling offers a cost effective alternative for the installation of new small and medium sized pipes and conduits, particularly if the specifications call for tight control on grade and alignment. No vertical shafts are required as drilling commences from the surface.
Equipment set-up times are relatively short; subsequently it is possible to drill short distances economically. Most importantly borehole alignment does not necessarily have to be straight, because the technology makes it possible to change the borehole alignment and elevation to avoid intersecting existing utilities and other underground obstacles.
For installations at depths 3m or greater, horizontal directional drilling can even provide a cost-effective alternative to open-cut applications. Directional drilling is ideal for installing infrastructure beneath highways, roads, and railway tracks, without affecting traffic load on these networks. The technology can also be used for crossing of rivers, streams, lakes and buildings.
Advantages of Directional Drilling
Significantly reduced construction time and cost
The elimination of costly, time-consuming excavation and restoration
Directional drilling minimizes the need to remove expensive landscaping or endanger historic structures with excavation.
Reduces the noise, environmental and safety risk associated with open-trench pipe construction.
Only the drill, with a minimal amount of support equipment, is required on horizontal directional drilling projects
Reduced impact on residents and business around construction site
There is no need to close roads or redirect traffic around the construction site, thus maintaining normal traffic patterns and access to businesses and residential property.
Reduction in long-term costs associates with settlements
Installations utilizing directional drilling reduce and in some cases eliminate settlements above the new pipe or conduit. This is particularly advantageous when installations are conducted beneath roads, highways, rail lines and foundations.